Get Paid to Read Email - Get CASH for Every E-mail You Receive - FREE to Join

Get Paid to Read E-Mail

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Get paid to RECEIVE short e-mail ads. You will receive periodic e-mails regarding the topics you select. Each program shares a portion of the Ad revenue with those that read the email Ads.

It is recommended that you sign-up for many or all these FREE programs. The more companies you sign-up with, the more paid emails you will receive, and the more money you will make. These programs, if used in full, and you refer enough people over time, could replace your monthly income, or atleast earn you $500 - $4000 per month. This takes time and is not over night. However you will see fast results!

However, for those who don't want to sign-up for them all, then sign-up for some and try them out. In Short, Get Paid To Read Your Emails.

Start form the top of the list, these are the companies that either pay the most per email, or send the most pay per emails to you.

Free "Get Paid to Read Email" Programs
Click each link - try them out:
  • Send More Info (NEW)
  • InBoxDollars
  • Hits 4 Pay
  • Send Earnings
  • Mikes Paid 4 Email
  • E-Mail Pays U
  • My-Cash-Email
  • Cash Money Email
  • All Community
  • 3-2-1 Mail!
  • Opt-In-Pays
  • My Paid Emails
  • Diamond-Mail
  • (NEW)
  • Mail for Europe
  • (available internationally)
  • Cash Space
  • Cash-Wave
  • Daily Cents
  • Money Mailings
  • Cash Mail Cart
  • (NEW)
  • Paid Biz Op Mail
  • Read Click
  • Ref Rewards
  • 2-Opt Email
  • Earning Force
  • Cash a Day
  • Extra $alary
  • Can I Join?
  • Total E-Mail
  • Kings Rewards
  • Paid Mail 4 Fun
  • Payday Mail
  • Sac Money
  • Angels Paid 2 Read
  • Get Paid 5 Times
  • Most sites pay anywhere from 2 cents to 10 cents per email. That does not include the extra money they offer. Some quickly credit your account with the money and some require you to click a link. That's all... You wouldnt have to spend time surfing their ads like most programs! Average person can go through 67 emails per minute using a program like outlook express.

    That adds up...


    $0.02 x 100 emails: $2.00


    At $0.02 per email: 67 emails per minute X $0.02 = $1.34

    That's $1.34 per minute of work!

    Take that $1.34 and make it an Hour of work: $1.34 X 60 Minutes = $80.40 Per Hour

    Make $80.40 per hour reading emails, and work a few hours a week!

    Or Better yet, as a full time job:

    $80.40 per hour X 40 hours = $3,216.00 per week!

    Thats just for one week.

    Please note that most people don't or can't sit in front of their computer for that long clicking a mouse. But making an extra $500 - $1000 per month, is that not worth your time?

    The example above shows how you would make money directly by reading emails. There is much more money to be earned besides reading emails. This is done by referrals! You get enough of your friends, family, and other people to join using the Referral Link or ID Code that these sites provide, you will also make a percentage of what the company pays them! They set this up like a Multi Level Marketing which allows you to make money on a down line sometime up to 10 people down!

    To put this into perspective, Let me use a off the wall subject, people on wall street play the stock market, but trade and sell using only $0.02 cents profit per share! They are able to make hundreds and thousands of dollars doing this. You can make the same money just reading emails and letting people pay you to read them!

    There are many programs out their that let you get paid to surf, or get paid for online surveys... This is one of the highest get paid online setups that is out on the World Wide Web. The average survey company will send out 4 surveys per month and pay you $2.00 - $10.00 per survey. That only makes less then $100.00 per month. Those get paid to surf companies only pay you up to $1.00 per hour with a 50 hour or less cap. That will only make you no more then $50.00. Then their are the get paid to drive systems... thats another subject... There are many ads that will allow you to get paid for your opions, and those are also part of both the survey comapanies and the above email companies. The difference, the email companies will pay you to take them and there is no limit on how many you take. We wish it was as easy as: take survey get paid, but it's a little more involved. You will see that getting paid for emails is the best way to go!

    This is FUN and Interesting! Believe me, you have nothing to loose because it's free and you will find lots of emails that will perk your curiosity!


    Related Programs:

    • GetPaid5Times (multiple get-paid programs) This program can help you build multiple leads! It will help you generate more income using the above links! Try it out, It's Free!

    • You do not need to sign-up any referals. If you do sign-up a few friends or family members, then your pay grows faster. Otherwise it just grows for the paid email messages which you personally receive.
    • Everything provided on this site is free. Most sites will get you to pay money for the above information. We do not... Good Luck on your path to wealth.
    • These companies do not "SPAM" you at all, they ask your permission when you sign up.
    • The above information is believed to be correct at the time of the last review of each of these programs. Please report any updates to:

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